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Q&A - MCBB Loan and Mortgage Moratorium Extension

Find herewith the MCB Bonaire Loan & Mortgage Moratorium Extension - Questions and Answers to assist you with possible questions you may have in connection with the extension of the loan moratorium for an additional 3 months (June, July and August 2020).


  • Personal and Commercial Clients are eligible for a Loan and Mortgage moratorium for the months of June, July and August 2020 (3 months of payments).
  • Credit Card Clients - The moratorium is also applicable for credit cards, but as the calculation is different for credit cards, please refer to the attached separate credit card moratorium information.
  • Deadline (last day) for ALL clients (personal to Opt-in and commercial to Opt-out) is Friday, June 12th, 2020.


At MCB Bonaire, we are committed to work with all clients to make sure that they find solutions that will help address financial hardships caused by COVID-19. We have therefore extended the financial relief options for our personal and commercial clients.


For Personal Clients: To be ELIGIBLE, clients MUST OPT-IN and must complete the form on our website. The request will be evaluated as per the stipulated Lending Guidelines of the Bank and clients will be duly informed of the decision latest end of June 2020

For Commercial Clients: They are AUTOMATICALLY enrolled in the Loan moratorium. Should they wish to OPT-OUT they will need to send an e-mail to: [email protected].

MCB Loan & Mortgage Moratorium - Questions and Answers

Will MCBB implement the moratorium extension for the months of June, July and August 2020 automatically?
Will my account be debited and reimbursed during the months of June, July and August 2020?
I qualified for the moratorium, but the monthly payment was deducted from my account and not reimbursed for the month of June 2020, who should I contact?
I declined the moratorium prior to the deadline, however my financial situation has changed and I would now like to apply for the program. Is this possible?
I qualified for the moratorium but no longer wish to have it and would like to now continue my payments. Is this possible?
I just received a new loan and would like to apply for the moratorium can I do this?
Will I need to repay the 3 monthly payments for June, July and August?
I understood MCBB gave me a new loan to cover the monthly payment of March, April and May 2020 and I also qualified for the moratorium extension of June, July and August 2020? How does this work?
Do I pay interest on the monthly payments which have been deferred?
I logged into MCBB Online Banking and see a new account what is this?
If I am able to save these 3 monthly payments and deposit the amount back on the principal amount of my loan in June 2020, will my monthly repayments be recalculated?
Will my repayment amount change starting June 2020 or September 2020?
What will be the new end date of my loan?
Will my repayment amount change after the original maturity date of the loan and be deducted automatically from my account?
Will MCBB extend the Moratorium of March, April and May?
If I require an extension on the Moratorium, who do I contact?

If you have any additional questions regarding the Moratorium, please send us an e-mail to: [email protected]. We will gladly assist you.

IMG 0459

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*No code found.
Balance in NAƒ
Expiration date
The above balance is as of: N/a